Monday, October 31, 2011

Language Arts for 10/31/11

This week in Language Arts

Monday - Discuss chapter 3
              Read Chapter 4 for Tuesday

Tuesday - Discuss Chapter 4
                Read Chapter 5 for Wednesday

Wednesday - Discuss Chapter 5
                      Read Chapter 6 for Monday

Thursday -  SSR Datanotebooks

Monday - Grammar P105 homework
                Discuss Student led conferences
                Practice with partner

Tuesday - Check grammar page 105
                 Grammar page 107 homework
                  Introduce Narrative Essay Prompt
                  Discuss organizer
                  begin rough draft

Wednesday - Check grammar page 107
                     Grammar page 109 homework
                      working on rough draft

Thursday - Check p109
                  Grammar quiz
                   working on Essays


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

chapter 11 review

chapther 11 review.notebook
October 25, 2011
Oct 258:
25 AM
Section 1 Forces
inside earth
Plate movement
rocks reach
elastic limit
they will break
When they break
are released in form
Earthquakes occur along
Oct 258:
32 AM
Normal Fault
Reverse Fault
Oct 258:
37 AM
Section 2 Feature of Earthquake
Primary Wave
Secondary Wave
Surface Wave
further and fastest
moves straight
compress and stretch rocks
move rocks up and
down at right angles of
the wave
moves in a
rolling and sideways
swaying motion
chapther 11 review.notebook
October 25, 2011
Oct 258:
49 AM
tool used measure
vibrations of earthquake
is the origin of earthquake
located where plates are moving
point above focus
On the surface
seismic waves
Oct 259:
33 AM
Richter Scale
/ vibrations
believe highest Would
upper limit
however there is no
measuring intensity
damage done
Earthquake Safety

2nd Quarter AR requirement

This is the second quarter AR assignment.

525 pages and 20 points by December 16th

Book level 5.0 I can change this as I see the need.

You must take the test on the book for it to count

We are currently reading The Pearl which is 85 pages and The Outsiders will also count for the page and point total.  The Outsiders was 180 pages.  That gives the students 265 pages.  We will also be reading another novel in class before the deadline.  The AR points for The Outsiders is 7 and The Pearl is 4 and we will be reading another novel before the deadline. I have many novels on CD and your child can use it for the AR assignment.

Please contact me if you have any questions. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Lit assignment

In Lit class we are writing one word summaries for the The Outsiders.

The word that you think summaries the book goes in the first line.

After that sentence you need to give a brief summary of the book.

The second paragraph is your first example from the book that tells about your word.  This paragraph goes on to tell about about an example from the book. After the example you will then have your
nterpretation of the example.  After this you need to make a connection to the example.  You will do this for 3 body paragraphs.  The closing paragraph begins with what you learned from this book.  Then you what you think about the book.

Hope this helps

Andy Flachs

Monday, October 17, 2011

Extra Credit @@@@@@@@@

Mrs. Render handed out extra credit.  I hope your students do the extra credit.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Language arts for 10/17 - 10/21

Monday - Discuss and check packet for chapters 8 & 9
                Read Chapter 10 for Tuesday
Tuesday - Discuss and check packets for Chapter 10
                 Read chapters 11 & 12 for Wednesday
Wednesday - Discuss and check packets for Chapters 11 & 12
Thrusday - Review one word summaries
                  Writing assignment due Friday
Friday - Turn in writting assignment
              Check Data notebooks

Monday - HW grammar page 91 due Tuesday
                 Daily "The Beach" 
Tuesday - check gramnar page 91
                 HW grammar page 93 due Wednesday
                  Daily "Sugar Crystals on Blueberries"
Wednesday - Check grammar page 93
                 HW grammar page 96
                  Daily "Sunflowers"
Thursday - Check grammar page 96
                  HW grammar page 97
                   Daily "Departure"
Friday - Check Grammar page 97
              Grammar Quiz
               Share journals from the week.

Have a nice weekend.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

books on the blog

The web site I use for putting the books on the blog can not hold any more information and also I have reached the limit of my downloads for the month.  Until I can figure something out I will not be putting on any more recorded books.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Language Arts for 10/11-10/14

Tuesday Review chapters 1-6 Read Chapter 7 for Wednesday
Wednesday discuss chapter 7 check packets Read Chapter 8 for Thursday.
Thursday Discuss Chapter 8 check packets Read Chapter 9 for Monday
Friday SSR and data notebooks.

Tuesday Grammar p85 do for HW  in Class daily "The Bear"  journal for HW
Wednesday check p85 do page 87 for HW  in class the "Murder of the Colors" journal for HW
Thursday check p87 do page 89 for HW in class "Green Draped Problems" journal for HW
Friday Grammar Quiz p89 Sharing journal writing