Thursday, December 15, 2011

Touching Spirit Bear Totem Pole Project

The project that goes with the book Touching Spirit Bear is due Wednesday December 21st.  The students have the handout for what they need to do.

There will be some time to work on this in class but they will need to work on it outside of class.


Friday, December 9, 2011

History for the next two weeks

History –
12/ 13 – Ch. 4 sec. 1&2 vocab. quiz
12/19 – Ch. 4 sec. 3&4 vocab. quiz
12/20 – Ch. 4 test

Friday, December 2, 2011

AR assignment 2st Quarter DUE December 16th

The AR assignment is to be finished by December 15th.

Language Arts for 12/5 - 12/9

Monday - Touching Spirit Bear
                 Discuss and check packet for chapters 13 & 14
                 Read Chapters 15 & 16 for Tuesday
Tuesdday - Discuss and check packets for Chapters 15 & 16
                 Read Chapters 17 & 18 For Wednesday
Wedensday - Discuss and check packets for Chapters 17 & 18
                 Read Chapters 19 & 20 for Thursday
Thursday Discuss and check packers for Chapters 19 & 20
                 Read Chapters 21 & 22 for Monday
Friday - SSR and check datanote books

Monday - Homework grammar p 143
                 practice speeches
Tuesday - Check grammar p 143
                 Homework grammar p 145
                 Practice speeches
Wednesday - Check p 145
                 Present speches
Thursday - Present speeches
Friday - watch speeches