Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lit Assignment

Book Talk
This is the same notice the students received from Mr. Reffett. 

Here is a list of items you must include in your book talk.  If you have more information that would like to add you may do so.  The book talk will be done February 9th.  If you would like to do it earlier you may do so, but you must talk to me about it first.

  • Title and Author
  • Show the cover
  • Give a brief summary
  • Tell a little about the setting
  • Identify the protagonist and antagonist
  • Discuss any connections you have with the book
  • Share your response to the book
  • Ask for any questions
The book talk book can't count towards the AR assignment.  If the book is below the reading level 5 or is not on the AR reading list it needs to be approved by me or Mr. Reffett.  The book talk does count a major test grade and not doing it will lower your student's grades.   The student's do this in front of the class and do it orally.

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