Thursday, December 15, 2011

Touching Spirit Bear Totem Pole Project

The project that goes with the book Touching Spirit Bear is due Wednesday December 21st.  The students have the handout for what they need to do.

There will be some time to work on this in class but they will need to work on it outside of class.


Friday, December 9, 2011

History for the next two weeks

History –
12/ 13 – Ch. 4 sec. 1&2 vocab. quiz
12/19 – Ch. 4 sec. 3&4 vocab. quiz
12/20 – Ch. 4 test

Friday, December 2, 2011

AR assignment 2st Quarter DUE December 16th

The AR assignment is to be finished by December 15th.

Language Arts for 12/5 - 12/9

Monday - Touching Spirit Bear
                 Discuss and check packet for chapters 13 & 14
                 Read Chapters 15 & 16 for Tuesday
Tuesdday - Discuss and check packets for Chapters 15 & 16
                 Read Chapters 17 & 18 For Wednesday
Wedensday - Discuss and check packets for Chapters 17 & 18
                 Read Chapters 19 & 20 for Thursday
Thursday Discuss and check packers for Chapters 19 & 20
                 Read Chapters 21 & 22 for Monday
Friday - SSR and check datanote books

Monday - Homework grammar p 143
                 practice speeches
Tuesday - Check grammar p 143
                 Homework grammar p 145
                 Practice speeches
Wednesday - Check p 145
                 Present speches
Thursday - Present speeches
Friday - watch speeches

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

test cards

These are the things that should go on the cards.  It would be good to color code the cards. 

20 Patriots
Ben Franklin
Paul Revere
Benedict Arnold
Ethan Allen
George Washington
John Adams
John Hancock
Thomas Jefferson
Henry Knox
Nathanael Greene
Charles Lee
Thomas Paine
Jane McCray
Daniel Morgan
Horatio Gates
Baron Von Steuben
John Paul Jones
Mary Lugwig Hayes aka -
Francis Marion
Benjamin Lincoln

The Red Coats
General Thomas Gage
General Sir Henry Clinton
General "Gentleman" Johnny Burgoyne
General William Howe
General Charles Cornwallis
Banastre Tarleton

Memorable Battles
Fort Ticonderoga 1775, 1777
Bunker Hill aka Breed's Hill
Dorchester Heights
Battle of New York
Battle of Freeman's Creek
Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Monmouth Courthouse
Waxhaws Massacre
Battle of Camden (South Carolina)
Battle of Cowpens
Battle of Guilford Courthouse
Battle of Yorktown

First Continental Congress
Declartion of Rights
Second Continental Congress
Olive Branch Petition
Declaration of Independence
Valley Forge
Winters at Morristown, NJ

Revolutionary War Test

The test over the Revolutionary War will be Friday, December 2nd.

Students can use notecards on the test.  There would be 50 note cards.

20 patriots
6 red coats
15 memorable battles
9 documents /events/groups

Repeat you will be able to use the cards on the test!!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

American Revolution test

The test over the American Revolution will be Friday, December 2nd.  The students will have their study guides on Wednesday, November 30th

Language Arts for 11/28 - 12/2

Monday - Touching Spirit Bear discuss and check packets for chapters 5 & 6
                 Homework - read Chapters 7 & 8 and complete packets
Tuesday - Discuss and check packets for Chapters 7 & 8
                 Homework - read Chapters 9 & 10 complete packets
Wednesday - Discuss and check packets for Chapters 9 & 10
                      Homework - read and complete packet for Chapters 11 & 12
Thursday - Discuss and check packets for Chapters 11 & 12
                  Homework - Read and complete packets for Chapters 13 & 14 Due Monday
Friday - SSR and data notebooks

Comp  Please note that the speeches will require some work at home.  This is not listed as homework but some will need to be done at home.
Monday - Introduction to Expository Speeches, discuss assignment, discuss packet, go over speech outline
                Homework - grammar page 131 for Tuesday
Tuesday - Check page 131
                Expository Speeches, work with parnters writing outline, sign off from a teacher on the outline,
                get notecards if ready
                Homework - grammar page 133
Wednesday - check page 133
                 Expository speeches, writing note cards, begin practicing
                 Homework - 137
Thursday - Check page 137
                 practice speeches with partners
                 Homework - p139
Friday - check page 139
             practice speeches with partners, bring in materials, practice in front


Monday, November 21, 2011

Touching Spirit Bear

Hello I am putting the current novel we are reading in class.  Touching Spirit Bear.

This is for chapters 5 & 6

Spirit Bear Chapters 5 & 6

Language Arts for 11/21 - 11/23

Monday - We are reading Touching Spirit Bear  Discuss Chapters 1 & 2  go over character motivation
                 Homework - read Chapters 3 & 4 for Tuesday  fill out packets
Tuesday - Discuss Chapters 3 & 4 check packets
                 Homeowork - Read chapters 5 & 6 for Monday
Wednesday - SSR

Monday - Grammar P123 for Tuesday, Rewriting run-on sentences
Tuesday - Check Grammar P123
                 Daily "How to Get on Your Teacher's Nerves"  Homework journal
                 Homework Grammar P125 for Wednesday
Wednesday - Check Grammar P125
                      Grammar Quiz
                      Share Journal Writing

Thursday, November 10, 2011

language arts for 11/14-11/17

Monday - finish Essays typing in the computer lab
Tuesday - Finish The Peal final test
Wednesday - Homework grammar page 121
                      in class Daily "How to be a Teacher's Pet"  Journal for HW
Thursday - Grade page 121 share Journal writing

Monday - Review for the test on The Pearl
Tuesday - Take the final test on The Pearl
Wednesday - Pick new novel
Thursday - SSR and datanotebooks

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Narative Essay

Mr. Reffett has assigned a narative essay.  There is no due date as of yet.

these are the things the students can choose from.

1.  An embrarasing experience
2.  an account of difficult decession
3.  A day when everything went right or wrong
4.  First day of school or 1st day at a new school

you need to include emotions
tell a story from other people's persepective
24 hour perios no longer

Things they need to include in the essay.  These are found in thier packets.

1.)  figurative language
2.)  five senses
3.)  hyphenated modifier
4.)  magic 3
5.)  appositive
6.)  repitition for effect

These are in the glossary of terms.

Just wanted to keep everyone up to date on what is coming.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Language Arts for 10/31/11

This week in Language Arts

Monday - Discuss chapter 3
              Read Chapter 4 for Tuesday

Tuesday - Discuss Chapter 4
                Read Chapter 5 for Wednesday

Wednesday - Discuss Chapter 5
                      Read Chapter 6 for Monday

Thursday -  SSR Datanotebooks

Monday - Grammar P105 homework
                Discuss Student led conferences
                Practice with partner

Tuesday - Check grammar page 105
                 Grammar page 107 homework
                  Introduce Narrative Essay Prompt
                  Discuss organizer
                  begin rough draft

Wednesday - Check grammar page 107
                     Grammar page 109 homework
                      working on rough draft

Thursday - Check p109
                  Grammar quiz
                   working on Essays


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

chapter 11 review

chapther 11 review.notebook
October 25, 2011
Oct 258:
25 AM
Section 1 Forces
inside earth
Plate movement
rocks reach
elastic limit
they will break
When they break
are released in form
Earthquakes occur along
Oct 258:
32 AM
Normal Fault
Reverse Fault
Oct 258:
37 AM
Section 2 Feature of Earthquake
Primary Wave
Secondary Wave
Surface Wave
further and fastest
moves straight
compress and stretch rocks
move rocks up and
down at right angles of
the wave
moves in a
rolling and sideways
swaying motion
chapther 11 review.notebook
October 25, 2011
Oct 258:
49 AM
tool used measure
vibrations of earthquake
is the origin of earthquake
located where plates are moving
point above focus
On the surface
seismic waves
Oct 259:
33 AM
Richter Scale
/ vibrations
believe highest Would
upper limit
however there is no
measuring intensity
damage done
Earthquake Safety

2nd Quarter AR requirement

This is the second quarter AR assignment.

525 pages and 20 points by December 16th

Book level 5.0 I can change this as I see the need.

You must take the test on the book for it to count

We are currently reading The Pearl which is 85 pages and The Outsiders will also count for the page and point total.  The Outsiders was 180 pages.  That gives the students 265 pages.  We will also be reading another novel in class before the deadline.  The AR points for The Outsiders is 7 and The Pearl is 4 and we will be reading another novel before the deadline. I have many novels on CD and your child can use it for the AR assignment.

Please contact me if you have any questions. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Lit assignment

In Lit class we are writing one word summaries for the The Outsiders.

The word that you think summaries the book goes in the first line.

After that sentence you need to give a brief summary of the book.

The second paragraph is your first example from the book that tells about your word.  This paragraph goes on to tell about about an example from the book. After the example you will then have your
nterpretation of the example.  After this you need to make a connection to the example.  You will do this for 3 body paragraphs.  The closing paragraph begins with what you learned from this book.  Then you what you think about the book.

Hope this helps

Andy Flachs

Monday, October 17, 2011

Extra Credit @@@@@@@@@

Mrs. Render handed out extra credit.  I hope your students do the extra credit.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Language arts for 10/17 - 10/21

Monday - Discuss and check packet for chapters 8 & 9
                Read Chapter 10 for Tuesday
Tuesday - Discuss and check packets for Chapter 10
                 Read chapters 11 & 12 for Wednesday
Wednesday - Discuss and check packets for Chapters 11 & 12
Thrusday - Review one word summaries
                  Writing assignment due Friday
Friday - Turn in writting assignment
              Check Data notebooks

Monday - HW grammar page 91 due Tuesday
                 Daily "The Beach" 
Tuesday - check gramnar page 91
                 HW grammar page 93 due Wednesday
                  Daily "Sugar Crystals on Blueberries"
Wednesday - Check grammar page 93
                 HW grammar page 96
                  Daily "Sunflowers"
Thursday - Check grammar page 96
                  HW grammar page 97
                   Daily "Departure"
Friday - Check Grammar page 97
              Grammar Quiz
               Share journals from the week.

Have a nice weekend.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

books on the blog

The web site I use for putting the books on the blog can not hold any more information and also I have reached the limit of my downloads for the month.  Until I can figure something out I will not be putting on any more recorded books.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Language Arts for 10/11-10/14

Tuesday Review chapters 1-6 Read Chapter 7 for Wednesday
Wednesday discuss chapter 7 check packets Read Chapter 8 for Thursday.
Thursday Discuss Chapter 8 check packets Read Chapter 9 for Monday
Friday SSR and data notebooks.

Tuesday Grammar p85 do for HW  in Class daily "The Bear"  journal for HW
Wednesday check p85 do page 87 for HW  in class the "Murder of the Colors" journal for HW
Thursday check p87 do page 89 for HW in class "Green Draped Problems" journal for HW
Friday Grammar Quiz p89 Sharing journal writing

Friday, September 30, 2011

Next week in Language Arts Class 10/3 - 10/7

This what is gong on next week in 8th grade language arts.

Lit reading The Oustsiders
Mondy - Discuss Ch3 read ch4 for Tuesday
Tuesday - Discuss Ch 4 read Ch5 for Wednesday
Wednesday - Discuss Ch 5 read Ch 6 for Thursday
Thursday - Discuss Ch 6 read Ch 7 for Monday
Friday AR assignment is due.  SSR and datanotebooks

Monday thru Friday working on Essay "Is technology good or bad for society?"
This is due Friday.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Chapter 3 The Outsiders

Here is chapter 3 of The Outsiders.

Chapter 3

Chapter 2 The Outsiders

Here is chapter two.  Click on the link it is the words Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Chapter one The Outsiders

You should be able to click on the link and listen to the chapters of the book we are reading in Mr. Reffett's lit class.

chapter one

Let me know if this is working.

Tonight's homework will be Chapter 2 and I should have it up later today.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

23 helping verbs

We are working on diagraming sentences.  Knowing the 23 helping verbs will be a great help.








helping verbs

We are working on diagraming sentences.  Knowing the 23 helping verbs will be a great help.








Science Quiz Friday, Spetember 23rd.

There is a science quiz over chapter 2 vocabulary.

The words they need to know are

mass number - the number of protons plus the number of neutrons in an atom
Homogenous mixture- A mixture that is mixed evenly throughout and cannot see the separate substances
Heterogenous misture - A mixture that is mixed unevenly and you can see the separate substances
Proton - Positive charged particle
neutron - a particle with no charge
Mixture - two or more substances that are joined together by physical means
Isotope - Atoms of the same element that have different number of neutrons
Ion - Atom with a positive or negative charge
element - any atoms that have the same number of protons and chemical properties
Electron - particle with negative charge
compound - two or more substances that are chemically bonded together
atomic number - the number of protons in an atom

The test is matching.

Andy Flachs

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This week in Langauage Arts 9/19 - 9/23


Monday Discuss Roll of Thunder Chapters 8 & 9 read Chapter 10 for Tuesday
Tuesday Discuss Chapter 10 read Chapter 11 for Wednesday
Wednesday Discuss Chapter 11 and read Chapter 12 for Thursday
Thursday Discuss Chapter 12
Friday fillout data notebooks SSR

Monday Grammar p 43  Read article Bioartifical Organs t-Chart pros/cons
Tuesday Check p43 do p47  Article Robots:  Human Emotions
Wednesday Check p47 do p 49  Article Robot Soldiers/Robot for Parapleyics
Thursday Check p47 do p51 Article Tracking Teens
Friday Check p51 Article Social Networking

The articles will lead up to a project where the students will write an essay about is techology beneficial to society.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Study Guide for History test September 15th Thursday

The Test is Thrusday September 15th

Middle Passage - voyage across the Atlantic Ocean that enslaved Africans were forced to endure
Henry VIII - helped Portugal become a leader in world exploration
caravel - a special type of ship that featured important advances in sailing technology
African Diaspora - the scattering of millions of enslaved Africans across the New World
Peter Stuyvesant - New Netherland governor who conquered New Sweeden in 1655
Quebec - small colony on the Saint Lawrence River that opened trading routes for the French
plantations - large farms that grew just on kind of crops and made enormous profits for their owners
Martin Luther - publicly critized the Roman Catholic Church with his ninety-five thesis

Hernan Cortes - led the destruction of the Aztec Empire
Many Native Americans died of new diseases brought by the European explorers.
The astrolabe aided explorers in finding the continents by allowing ship naviagtors to check location by charting the position of the stars.
Ferdinand Magellan was the 1st European to discover a sea route to Asia.

The King that lead the Catholic Reformation was from Spain.
The travels of Columbus caused troubles between Spain and Portugal
The transfer of plants and animals among Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas was knows as the Columbian Exchange.
Enslaved Africans tried to cope with life in the Americas sought refuge in their families, religion, art, and dance.
Jaxques Cartier claimed land for France
The Viking ship had better stability over earlier vessels.

Chapter two History Vocabulary study guide

The Vocabulary quiz is Wednesday September 14th

Leif Eriksson - Viking explorer

Henry the Navigator - resposible for advances that would make explorations more successful.

astrolabe - a device that enabled navigators to learn their ships location by charting the position of the stars.

caravels - used triangular sails

Christopher Columbus -  convinced he could find Asia by sailing west.

Line of Demarcation - divided the Atlantic Ocean.  Spain could claim of land west of the line

Treaty of Tordesillas - moved the line of Demarcation 800 miles further west.

Fredinard Magellan - Portuguese navigator that tried to sail around the world

circumnavigate - go all away around the globe

Columbian exchange - movement of goods to and from the New World

conquistadors - soldiers who led military expeditions in the Americas

Hernan Cortes - let expeditions to the Americas

Moctezuma II - leader of the Aztecs

Francisco Pizarro - led expetitions against the Incas

enocmienda system - gave the right to tax the local Native Americans

plantations - large farms that grew on kind of crop

Bartolome de Las Casas - wanted to convert Native Americans to Christiantiy

Protestant Reformation - religious movement to break away from the Catholic Church

Protestants - what the people were called that broke away from the Catholic Church

Spanish Armada - huge fleet of warships meant to defeat the English

Northwest Passage - a water route through North America that would allow ships to sale from the Atlantic to the Pacific

Jacques Cartier - French Explorer that looked for the North West Passage.

Charter - a document giving permission to start a colony

immune - had a natural resistance to diseases

Middle Passage - the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean that enslaved Africans were forced to endure.

African Diaspora - is the scattering of people slaves were sent all across the New World

Friday, September 9, 2011

Lit and Comp assignments for Week 9/12 - 9/16

This is what is happening in 2nd hour Lit and 7th hour Comp

Monday Discuss Chapter 6 Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry.  Lit packets need to be completed and ready to go when class starts.  Chapter 7 is the reading assignment for Tuesday along with your packet completed and ready to go.

Tuesday Discuss Chapter 7 Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry.  Lit packets need to be completed and ready to go when class starts.  Chapter 8 is the reading assignment for Wednesday along with your packet completed and ready to go.

Wednesday Discuss Chapter 8 Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry.   Lit packets need to be completed and ready to go when class starts.  Chapter 9 is the reading assignment for Thursday along with your packet completed and ready to go.

Thursday Discuss Chapter 9 Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry.   Lit packets need to be completed and ready to go when class starts.  Chapter 10 is the reading assignment for Monday along with your packet completed and ready to go.

Friday is SSR reading day.  This is the day students fill out thier data notebooks and read their AR book for the AR assignment that is due October 7th.  This AR assignment is important as it is a 10th of their grade.  Not doing this will lower your grade.

Comp is 7th hour
Monday Grammar assignment page 29  This is due Tuesday
                Daily this is something we do in class unless their is a journal entry that goes with the daily.  If there
                a journal then we share those on Friday.  Mr. Reffett does collect these if they do not share.  We
                practice the different literary items that are in the daily.

Tuesday Grammar assignment page 31 This due Wednesday. 
                Daily this is something we do in class unless their is a journal entry that goes with the daily.  If there
                a journal then we share those on Friday.  Mr. Reffett does collect these if they do not share.  We
                practice the different literary items that are in the daily.

Wednesday Grammar assignment page 33 This is due Thursday
               Daily this is something we do in class unless their is a journal entry that goes with the daily.  If there
                a journal then we share those on Friday.  Mr. Reffett does collect these if they do not share.  We
                practice the different literary items that are in the daily.

Thursday Grammar assignment page 35 This is due Friday.
                Daily this is something we do in class unless their is a journal entry that goes with the daily.  If there
                a journal then we share those on Friday.  Mr. Reffett does collect these if they do not share.  We
                practice the different literary items that are in the daily.

Friday Grammar quiz page 39.  We share journals.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lit Grades

It is very important that your child keeps his or her packets up to date.  The packet is a large part of their grades.

Andy Flachs

Science test September 8th

This will help your student with the upcoming science test.

Study guide for the Science Test Thursday September 8th.

Students will also need to know the steps of the Scientific method in order
Identify a problem
Gather information (research)
Make Hypotheses
Test the hypotheses
Analyze the results
Draw conclusions

Scientific Theory – explanation that is supported by results from repeated experiments
Hypothesis – Educated guess on wha t will happen
Independent variable – factor that changes in an experiment
Scientific Law – rule that describes the how something works in nature
Constant – variable that does not change in the experiment
Ethics – study of morals values about what is good or bad
Earth Science – study of earth and space
Bias – personal opinion
Dependent variable – factor being measured in an experiment
Control – standard for comparison in an experiment.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Lit Book

In Mr. Reffett's Lit class we started reading Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry.  There is a packet the students need to fill out for each chapter.

This involves a short 4 sentence summary, one question they have, something he/she noticed about the chapter, and the character sketch (this we are practicing together so the first two chapters we are doing this together).

As always if you have questions contact me.

Andy Flachs

Thursday, August 25, 2011

AR assignment 1st Quarter DUE October 7th

The first quarter AR assignment is due October 7th.

The assignment is 400 pages and 15 points.

The student must take the test on the book to get credit.

The novel we read in class can count towards the assignment.  The first novel we are reading is 276 pages. 

Let me know if you have questions.

Andy Flachs