Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Language Arts for 11/28 - 12/2

Monday - Touching Spirit Bear discuss and check packets for chapters 5 & 6
                 Homework - read Chapters 7 & 8 and complete packets
Tuesday - Discuss and check packets for Chapters 7 & 8
                 Homework - read Chapters 9 & 10 complete packets
Wednesday - Discuss and check packets for Chapters 9 & 10
                      Homework - read and complete packet for Chapters 11 & 12
Thursday - Discuss and check packets for Chapters 11 & 12
                  Homework - Read and complete packets for Chapters 13 & 14 Due Monday
Friday - SSR and data notebooks

Comp  Please note that the speeches will require some work at home.  This is not listed as homework but some will need to be done at home.
Monday - Introduction to Expository Speeches, discuss assignment, discuss packet, go over speech outline
                Homework - grammar page 131 for Tuesday
Tuesday - Check page 131
                Expository Speeches, work with parnters writing outline, sign off from a teacher on the outline,
                get notecards if ready
                Homework - grammar page 133
Wednesday - check page 133
                 Expository speeches, writing note cards, begin practicing
                 Homework - 137
Thursday - Check page 137
                 practice speeches with partners
                 Homework - p139
Friday - check page 139
             practice speeches with partners, bring in materials, practice in front


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