Monday, March 12, 2012

Language Arts 3/12 - 3/15

This week's assignments

Monday - start new novel The Giver
                 Home work - read read and complete packet for chapter 1 & 2 for Tuesday
Tuesday - Discuss and check packet for The Giver chapters 1 & 2
                Home work - read and complete packet for chapters 3 & 4 for Wednesday.
Wednesday - Discuss and check packet for The Giver chapters 3 & 4
                Home work - read read and complete packet for Chapters 5 & 6 for Monday 3/19

Monday - Grammar page 227 for Tuesday
Tuesday - Grammar page 229 for Wednesday - Journal from the Daily
Wednesday - Grammar page 231 for Thursday - Journal from the Daily
Thursday - share jourmals from the Dailys

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