Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Narative Essay

Mr. Reffett has assigned a narative essay.  There is no due date as of yet.

these are the things the students can choose from.

1.  An embrarasing experience
2.  an account of difficult decession
3.  A day when everything went right or wrong
4.  First day of school or 1st day at a new school

you need to include emotions
tell a story from other people's persepective
24 hour perios no longer

Things they need to include in the essay.  These are found in thier packets.

1.)  figurative language
2.)  five senses
3.)  hyphenated modifier
4.)  magic 3
5.)  appositive
6.)  repitition for effect

These are in the glossary of terms.

Just wanted to keep everyone up to date on what is coming.

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