Wednesday, November 30, 2011

test cards

These are the things that should go on the cards.  It would be good to color code the cards. 

20 Patriots
Ben Franklin
Paul Revere
Benedict Arnold
Ethan Allen
George Washington
John Adams
John Hancock
Thomas Jefferson
Henry Knox
Nathanael Greene
Charles Lee
Thomas Paine
Jane McCray
Daniel Morgan
Horatio Gates
Baron Von Steuben
John Paul Jones
Mary Lugwig Hayes aka -
Francis Marion
Benjamin Lincoln

The Red Coats
General Thomas Gage
General Sir Henry Clinton
General "Gentleman" Johnny Burgoyne
General William Howe
General Charles Cornwallis
Banastre Tarleton

Memorable Battles
Fort Ticonderoga 1775, 1777
Bunker Hill aka Breed's Hill
Dorchester Heights
Battle of New York
Battle of Freeman's Creek
Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Monmouth Courthouse
Waxhaws Massacre
Battle of Camden (South Carolina)
Battle of Cowpens
Battle of Guilford Courthouse
Battle of Yorktown

First Continental Congress
Declartion of Rights
Second Continental Congress
Olive Branch Petition
Declaration of Independence
Valley Forge
Winters at Morristown, NJ

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