Monday, September 12, 2011

Chapter two History Vocabulary study guide

The Vocabulary quiz is Wednesday September 14th

Leif Eriksson - Viking explorer

Henry the Navigator - resposible for advances that would make explorations more successful.

astrolabe - a device that enabled navigators to learn their ships location by charting the position of the stars.

caravels - used triangular sails

Christopher Columbus -  convinced he could find Asia by sailing west.

Line of Demarcation - divided the Atlantic Ocean.  Spain could claim of land west of the line

Treaty of Tordesillas - moved the line of Demarcation 800 miles further west.

Fredinard Magellan - Portuguese navigator that tried to sail around the world

circumnavigate - go all away around the globe

Columbian exchange - movement of goods to and from the New World

conquistadors - soldiers who led military expeditions in the Americas

Hernan Cortes - let expeditions to the Americas

Moctezuma II - leader of the Aztecs

Francisco Pizarro - led expetitions against the Incas

enocmienda system - gave the right to tax the local Native Americans

plantations - large farms that grew on kind of crop

Bartolome de Las Casas - wanted to convert Native Americans to Christiantiy

Protestant Reformation - religious movement to break away from the Catholic Church

Protestants - what the people were called that broke away from the Catholic Church

Spanish Armada - huge fleet of warships meant to defeat the English

Northwest Passage - a water route through North America that would allow ships to sale from the Atlantic to the Pacific

Jacques Cartier - French Explorer that looked for the North West Passage.

Charter - a document giving permission to start a colony

immune - had a natural resistance to diseases

Middle Passage - the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean that enslaved Africans were forced to endure.

African Diaspora - is the scattering of people slaves were sent all across the New World

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