Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This week in Langauage Arts 9/19 - 9/23


Monday Discuss Roll of Thunder Chapters 8 & 9 read Chapter 10 for Tuesday
Tuesday Discuss Chapter 10 read Chapter 11 for Wednesday
Wednesday Discuss Chapter 11 and read Chapter 12 for Thursday
Thursday Discuss Chapter 12
Friday fillout data notebooks SSR

Monday Grammar p 43  Read article Bioartifical Organs t-Chart pros/cons
Tuesday Check p43 do p47  Article Robots:  Human Emotions
Wednesday Check p47 do p 49  Article Robot Soldiers/Robot for Parapleyics
Thursday Check p47 do p51 Article Tracking Teens
Friday Check p51 Article Social Networking

The articles will lead up to a project where the students will write an essay about is techology beneficial to society.

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