Monday, September 12, 2011

Study Guide for History test September 15th Thursday

The Test is Thrusday September 15th

Middle Passage - voyage across the Atlantic Ocean that enslaved Africans were forced to endure
Henry VIII - helped Portugal become a leader in world exploration
caravel - a special type of ship that featured important advances in sailing technology
African Diaspora - the scattering of millions of enslaved Africans across the New World
Peter Stuyvesant - New Netherland governor who conquered New Sweeden in 1655
Quebec - small colony on the Saint Lawrence River that opened trading routes for the French
plantations - large farms that grew just on kind of crops and made enormous profits for their owners
Martin Luther - publicly critized the Roman Catholic Church with his ninety-five thesis

Hernan Cortes - led the destruction of the Aztec Empire
Many Native Americans died of new diseases brought by the European explorers.
The astrolabe aided explorers in finding the continents by allowing ship naviagtors to check location by charting the position of the stars.
Ferdinand Magellan was the 1st European to discover a sea route to Asia.

The King that lead the Catholic Reformation was from Spain.
The travels of Columbus caused troubles between Spain and Portugal
The transfer of plants and animals among Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas was knows as the Columbian Exchange.
Enslaved Africans tried to cope with life in the Americas sought refuge in their families, religion, art, and dance.
Jaxques Cartier claimed land for France
The Viking ship had better stability over earlier vessels.

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